arrays - Java game with tiled map background problem -

I am trying to develop a Java 2D game and I have a problem with tiled backgrounds. I am using the Development Games in Java book, but this part is inadequate so I need your help based on the map of the game based on the array

  string Filename [] ("wwwwwwwwwwww", "pppppppppppp", "oooooooooooo"};   

I want to keep this array on jeffrom I try to read it and after double use it for loop to fill a specific image for each letter, I can see that no image is displayed. What is the way to think that I am right I use or want more? Please help

I see that the main issue is That you are painting your images on a 1-pixel increase. Mash one should multiply by the width and height of another tile.

Additionally, you are loading your pictures for cache ( loadImages () ) , And then again on every one loop walking Very slow and useless
