I have a component (horizontal partition). The content changes in the bottom panel and I need to calculate the new ratio for the split panel (with the new size below).
How to do this?
I try:
double defBottomProportion = 0.4; Double bottom PanelHeight = manFrame.getHeight () * defBottomProportion; Double newbotpanelhite = bottom panelehite + additional resourceHeight; Double prop = newBottomPanelHeight / PanelHeight below; DefBottomProportion + = Prop; SplitPane.setPropertion (defBottomProportion); But it does not work.
JideSplitPane expects couple of categories, not a single value compared to pan, a lower element in the array should be there.
Try it out (spelling is also correct)
split page .captoration (new double [] {defBottomProportion});
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