In these days, I got a problem about CFFEH in my laptop because whenever I open (in open) my lock, Cfcart runs, which unfortunately stops and the memory like a blue screen gets leaked.
PS: Oracle 10G and CF8 are also equally established in this disappearance.
Now, I have found that once I run my code my laptop will be shut down. This is due to low coding and I have saved as "style.cfm" and added it to my chart file.
& lt; Cfsavecontent variable = "theme" & gt; & Lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Piechart depth = "double" style = "solid" type = "small knot" angle = "0" & gt; & Lt; DataLabels style = "pattern" placement = "out" autoControl = "false" font = "Arial-10" & gt; & Lt ;! [Cdata [$ (collateralized)]] & gt; & Lt; / DataLabels & gt; & Lt; Legend spacing = "0" placement = "right" halign = "right" & gt; & Lt; Decoration style = "none" /> & Lt; / Narrative & gt; & Lt; Elements drawOutline = "false" & gt; & Lt; Morph morph = "grow" /> & Lt; / Elements & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Heatmap isEnabled = "false" minLevel = "0.0" maxLevel = "0.0" /> & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; Popup background = "white" foreground = "black" /> & Lt; Decoration foreColor = "# B200B2" /> & Lt; Paint palette = "pastel" paint = "plain" /> & Lt; / Piechart & gt; & Lt; Cfsavecontent & gt; Therefore, I have removed and saved it as an XML file, then, after re-presenting it, 100% work. I can not understand that my laptop only stops once for the above coding.
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