My problem is occurring when I try to open the .xls document from C # by MS Excel, and this document I have a macro. I am using the How to solve this problem? I do not want to use macros saved from that file, but at least read the values of cells ... The excel is worried about the macro, it has a setting in Excel that determines what happens when someone sees one in a .xls file. Use the Excel option, Trust Center, Trust Center Settings, Macro settings in 2007. Select the "Disable all macros without notification" radio button. IIRC, there is also an option in the open system to suppress messages. Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel library (v12). With this operation I am getting an error in Microsoft Excel - "Module is not found" in a message box of Visual Basic, and the Visual Studio debugger also stops with an exception, "Heresilt 0x800 A PEEC".
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