iphone - loading dynamic images into a custom UITableViewCell slows scrolling -

I am dynamically loading some images into a UITableView and am creating some simple custom cells.

The method in CellForAUI and XPpath I am going through the content of each cell:

  - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) Table View CellForouaitindPath: (NSIndexPath *) IndexPath {ImagesCell * cell = (ImagesCell *) [TableView Reusable cell with iddatifier: cell identifier]; If (cell == blue) {NSUINTERER line = [indexpath row]; Playlist * playlist = [[playlist manager playlist] object atindex: line]; NSString * thumbPath = [(NSString *) playlist. ImagePath stringByAppendingString: @ "100x75.png"]; NSArray * nib = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNib Nominated: @ "Picturecale" owner: Self-choice: zero]; Cell = [nib object at index: 0]; Cell.topLabel.text = playlist.title; Cell.bottomLabel.text = playlist.artistName; Cell.customImageView.image = [UIImage imageWithData: [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [Ns URL URLWithString: thumbPath]]]; Cell.opaque = Yes; Cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton; } Return Cell;}   

I am also changing the height:

  - (CGFLot) TableView: (UITableView *) tableviewviewervideoindexpath: (NSINXPath *) Index {CGFloat results; Result = ROW_HEIGHT; Return result;}   

All this works - it loads / shows content - but when I test it on the device, then every cell is being stopped slightly, Thick Scrolling / P>

Can anyone show me how to load the image so that it will be alright? I have taken a look at some asynchronous examples and lazel loading examples from apple but this is my first iPhone project and it is getting a little harder.

If someone has an example or some code that would be great to share.


Answer works as selected but loads all items before the UITB view is shown.

After very cutting and pasting and version control, appears to be the best solution

This implements image caching as well as asynchronous loading, it is easy to implement (Although I'm working together it is still nibb, but I hope it should not be very difficult.

Hope that helps someone.

@ RedBlueThing and @Marcelle-Alves

Maybe you can pre-load your image?

Playlists and imageWithData when you PlaylistManager .

Update Mement for Co

So your header for the playlist object includes a UIImage object Required to:

  #import & lt; Foundation / Foundation.H & gt; @Interface Playlists: NSOBs {NSDRAEL * ImagePath; NSString * Title; NSString * subTitle; NSString * mediaType; NSString * arti StName; NSInteger ID; // Add your image member UIImage * image; } @ Property (nontomic, raten) nsrrl * imagepath; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * header; @product (nontomic, retten) nssting * subtitle; @property (non-standard, maintained) NSString * mediaType; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * artistName; @protecti (nonomatic, readwrite) NSINteger ID; // And a property, make sure you synthesize this implementation in @property (nonatomic, retain) UIImage * image; @end   

When you set up imagepath property, you can also create a UIMAge.

  NSString * thumbPath = [(NSString *) self.imagePath stringByAppendingString: @ "100x75.png"]; / / Is set to retain the property, so it will increase our reference count self.image = [UIImage imageWithData: [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: thumbPath]]];   

So when you set up the image object (perhaps in the init method), the processing goes fine before the UITableView is displayed.
