Griffon writes in the data source config DataSource.groovy of the gsql plugin, and if I want it to be in how? I try, it does not work:
- Adding to conf
2.config in dataSource.driverClassName = com. ? Mysql.jdbc.Driver dataSource.url = JDBC: mysql: // local host / SMP useUnicode = true & amp; CharacterEncoding = UTF8
3.Remove this config from DataSource.groovy
It seems that the GSXL plugin will be able to read the config from Datasaurus.groovy.
ps: Is the GSXL plugin open source?
delete the referee
// read config. Properties DEF Theater content = new properties () props.load (getClass (). ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream ("Config .properties ")) def config = new ConfigSlurper (). Parse (Sahara) data source {dbCreate = "skip" deposit = config.dataSource.pooled as Boolean // True to determine MySQL or any other RDBMS that call different tokenizeddl = config.dataSource.tokenizeddl boolean driverClassName = config Password = config.dataSource.password} by using the required DDL statement on the user name = config.dataSource.username = .dataSource.driverClassName as the URL = config.dataSource.password}
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