xcode - CGRectMake on Objective C will not load properly -

I have a web view and I am trying to load dynamic pages from my site in that code.

myWebView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0.0f, 0.0f, 768.0f, 1024.0f)];

But this does not load the whole page. This page starts with 1/3 of the image i.e. Do anyone have any ideas that can be wrong with 200 pixels or something?

Thanks for any help

the frame you give to the web fly Its size specifies, its size is not content. Since the screen is not 768 x 1024 pixels, only a part of the web view is visible. You can try the scalesPagesToFit property of the web view, so that the entire page will appear because of the web view zooming out.

  myWebView.scalesPoFit = YES;    
