I want to open up the Calendar application from an android application -

I want to open the Calendar app from the Android app. When I searched online, I found this code. But this does not work on Android 2.1 below. Is it possible to launch a calendar application with Android apps below 2.1? If possible, someone please help me with it.

  calendar tempCal = (calendar) mCalendar.clone (); TempCal.set (year, month, day); IntentCalendarIncentant = New Intent (); CalendarIntent.putExtra ("Start Time", tempCal.getTimeInMillis ()); CalendarIntent.setFlags (int. FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT; intial.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); CalendarIntent.setClassName ("com.android.calendar", "com.android.calendar.AgendaActivity"); StartActivity (calendarIntent);    

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