php - How can I determine whether a user is on IE...and send them to a page saying my web app isn't supported on IE? -

I am developing a web application, and I have seen that in testing with IE, major issues with some key issues Problems are Performance Elements For this reason, I have to block the web app from IE users and send them to another page to download Firefox or Chrome.

I am looking for a way to do this, but I find out any easy guide which is only for IE and I've tried some snippets, but they will not work because They are only used to set up and print browsers / OS / etc. Information. I really appreciate your help!

Instead of blocking it directly, consider an informational message. It is also a coincidence where IE is somewhat useful for one time:

  & lt ;! - [if IE] & gt; & Lt; Div class = "info-bar" & gt; Your Browser is not Supported. Parts of this application may be non-functional. & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! [Endif] - & gt;    
