PHP generate HTML convert to JPG then to PDF -

I'm developing an app where the user adds the item to the list. This list is stored in an array and goes to PHP with JSON. Its purpose is to create a PDF with all values ​​removed from the user. PDF is quite complex. It includes images based on images and input data, which are selected by the user and the text is different. The first idea was to generate a PDF in PDF with one of those PDF libraries, but this would be a real problem. Then I thought that a html & amp; CSS (very easy) and convert it to PDF but since HTML & amp; CSS is quite complex I do not think PDF converters will work with this. Then I thought I could convert html to jpg and then to pdf.

It would be very simple if I could just use html, but the output needed a PDF.

Do you recommend?

This is a post that discusses making PDF files with PDF and PDF LIB extension .

This is at the sitepoint.

Or if you want to go to PDF from HTML then it seems that the work can be done.
