I am using H: DataAbility, here is the Revolution line of my code:
< Code> & lt; H: DataTable value = "# {account.latestIncomes}" var = "mov" & gt; ..... and & lt; / H: datatable & gt;Then I have been requested to manage Managed Bean with Gestre for the latest income:
Public list & lt; Movs & gt; GetlatestIncomes () {If (Income == zero) Income = this.cajaFacade.getLatestIncomes (20); Return income; }
This recipient is called 8 times, and I am not using it anywhere else, why is this going to be worth the data? If you need more codes please ask, but this is the only place where I use that property.
However, with the given code snippet, it should be called the highest 3 times during the render response phase. During one time, during and during one time. Or does it have input elements and did you count during a form?
However, debug the stack and give some insight to the current step id in the gator.
Private list & lt; Movs & gt; LatestIncomes; Private AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger (); @PostConstruct Public Zero init () {Latest Income = cajaFacade.getLatestIncomes (20); } Public listing & lt; Movs & gt; GetlatestIncomes () {System.err.printf ("call #% during step phase% s% n", counter.incrementAndGet (), FacesContext.getCurrentInstance (). GetCurrentPhaseId ()); Thread.dumpStack (); Get the latest return; }
(As you see, I have loaded the list in the right place)
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