How to maintain aspect-ratio when playing RTSP streaming video in Android? -

I have a streaming RTSP video link that I'm playing with VideoView The video resolution and aspect ratio in picture mode is correct. But when I try to switch to landscape mode the video is spread and looks longer. It distorts quality to a great deal

  1. How to keep videos in the same aspect ratio in both Orientation mode?
  2. If I need to write my media player, watch the video. To properly render the video I should override (...)
  3. How to get the size of the video obtained through RTSP?
  4. Any examples, the great help of limited documents on the Android Developer Site will be of the Cause
  5. so that we can set the video for that size?

    If any suggestions are open to me, then I am new to the Media API ....

    How to create videoview to maintain the same aspect ratio in both orientation mode?

    This usually does, for example, local tests in portrait and landscape while maintaining the aspect ratio. Works perfectly with the MP3 file (in the root of the external storage).
