This is a fast
SQL in Linux, I need to order a date time zone order. Then, after entering the order of time from that time of time, it comes to understanding? Here is an example of the necessary result:
[serial] [date (mm-dd-yyyah: hh-mm-ss)] 1 3-13-2008: 10-10-02
2 3 -13-2008: 10-12-60
3/12/2008: 12-05-55
I tried:
return query. Orderbreeding (c = & gt; c.Time). Then (C => c.Time.TimeOfDay);
Also tried:
query.OrderByDescending (c => c.Time). Since then (c => C.Time.Hour). Then (C => c.Time.Minute). Then (C => c.Time.Second);
Any suggestions that were never seemed to work? date and
timeoffs sort Properties for
Return query. Orderbidescaching (C => c.Time.Date). Then (C => c.Time.TimeOfDay);
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