java - Running JUnit tests with Maven under Eclipse -

I have installed the plugin m2e for the first time on Eclipse.

I can run a simple Genuine (version 4) exam from Eclipse, but not with pom.xml (alt-click, Run as, Maven Test). I think I need to search Maven for that class, but I do not know how.

Also, I could not find "Janet 4" in the group: only "version" 3.8 version 1 is available. Do I really need to write the test for version 3.x and not version 4+?

How to fix it?

Think of me as a newbie with Maven: She is doing me the same. So please tell me what I need to do, unless you talk about Artifact Technobbble. I could set up as a pollen in the form of failure and with these concepts now I have been completely lost.


You can run with Maven on June 4. You only need June 4 dependence in your pom.


View: By default, make sure that the code looks for files with * .
