I have two applications that I want to test locally on the same machine. App 1 contains a simple WCF service that has folloiwng config entry:
& lt; Service transaction support = "MyNamespace.ContainerManagementServiceBehavior" name = "MyNamespace.ContainerManagementService" & gt; & Lt; Endpoint address = "Container management service" binding = "basic htmlbidding" name = "container managementbasic htmlandpoint" contract = "minimapass. Iccnir" /> & Lt; Endpoint address = "Max" binding = "MaxHttpending" contract = "IMAXADEXXchange" /> & Lt; Host & gt; & Lt; BaseAddresses & gt; & Lt; AddAddress = "http: // localhost: 8000 / container management service" /> & Lt; / BaseAddresses & gt; & Lt; / Host & gt; & Lt; / Services & gt; & Lt; Behavior & gt; & Lt; Behavior name = "MyNamespace.ContainerManagementServiceBehavior" & gt; & Lt; ServiceMetadata httpGetEnabled = "true" /> & Lt; The services included in the debugging include exceptions = DishialInstine = "false" /> & Lt; / Behavior & gt; & Lt; / Behavior & gt; I am starting the service by running the web application project, where it is hosted. I am able to successfully browse the url and i get the web service information page. I am copying the same URL and using it for my customer.
My other client, in App 2, has the following config file:
& Lt; Safety Mode = "None" & gt; & Lt; Transport Customer Credential Type = "None" Proxy Credential Type = "None" realm = "" /> & Lt; Message client credentials type = "user name" algorithm site = "default" /> & Lt; / Safety & gt; & Lt; / Binding & gt; & Lt; / BasicHttpBinding & gt; & Lt; / Binding & gt; & Lt; Customers & gt; & Lt; Endpoint address = "http: // localhost: 3227 / services / container management SYNC" binding = "basic hddbinding" binding configuration = "root hp" contract = "MySwire .isis" name = "external service" /> & Lt; / Customer & gt; & Lt; /system.serviceModel> However, when I try to execute a WCF call form client in the service running, I get the following error message:
The endpoint was not listening to Http: // localhost: service on 3227 / service / container management. Svc can accept the message. This is often caused by a false address or SOAP operation. For more details, see if you are present, see the innerexception. What's going on?
It seems that this issue is due to the fact that both server and client Cassini server I am changing architecture to host server endpoint in IIS.
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