UI for Android Service Preferences -

I have an application with only one service, and the service will be used on demand through the bindService so it's a There is no long running service

But the preferences in the service have been associated with

What is the favorite model of preferences UI for such a service? The information does not look right, because the service is not usually running. I see that only one option is to add an activity in the application shown in the launcher.

But it seems that having a name like "Service X Preferences" seems a little strange to have a launcher icon.

Are there some other options about which I do not know?

What is the preferred model for the preferences UI for such service?

A priority enterprise uses that user to set preferences.

The notifications do not look right, as the service is not usually running.

Notifications are read-only and can not be used to collect preferences.

The only option I'm seeing is an activity in the app shown in the launcher

Usually, in the priority launcher Not, but it reaches the activities that make up the application.

If you are saying that you do not have any other activities, then you may want to write something. Users reject activity-less applications on low-rated markets because they are considered broken down internally. If the user can not understand how to start an application in just seconds of installation, then you have problems.

In addition, some of your application is calling bindService () , and it can not be a broadcast receiver , so it is probably a The activity is simply to provide an option menu item in your priority attribute from your menu.
