I am using the following setting to retype the URL:
rewrite Engine rewrite %% REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d Recovery code% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f rewriting rule ^ (. *) $ Index.php? Url = $ 1 [QSA, L] in index.php is parsed $ _ GET ['url'] In Examples: root / user / id / 1 / name / bobby // is the user page, id = 1, name = Bobby root / blog / post / 123 / title / welcome // The first one is the name of the page, the following parameter is the name of the page / key, "I now have the styling sheet when I come to root / Browse the links of those which are inserted inside the HTML of the page and the page is shown correctly. I browse root / index (which is similar to root / ), this page displays (with content and other content) correctly, but the link (Even the html structure is written correctly) the stylesheet is not loaded How can I fix it?
Edit / P>
The path to the CSS file is as follows:
project / view / Css / common.css file containing this
is in project / public / index.php //. Regenerate another rule with Htaccess This brings me to a link index.php) such as
../view / Css / common.css but it works differently according to URL. URL = public / index / project / public / view / css / url = for general css = example for public / project / view / css / general css // good #:
# url = Public / index / key / value / public / index / key / view / css / normal css // broken
I think that you have two problems (as the answer Given that, your problem has not been resolved yet ...):
You are rewriting all the filenames, when the browser css / index .css , then your rewrite is index.php? Url = css / index.css . Answer to @Colley2 must be resolved. -
You are not using full path for your CSS files. The server is translating the requested page like / user / id / 1 / name / bobby to /index.php?etc .... , but when the browser The css file that contains something like css / index.css in your code, is actually /user/id/1/name/bobby/css/index.css and the file is not present. You can solve it by using the complete path on your external files (CSS, JS, image etc.) such as /css/index.css . Edit: Depending on your comments, both of your paths are relative and your CSS is not available by the browser, so you need it -
- For CSS
Project / Public directory (like project / public / css ) - Like your CSS
Use css / index full path css . - Make sure that the URLs of your external files are not written again by the server.
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