I have a strange problem. I have an MP3 stream, I try to use within an application (2.1) I am here. Before you say that streaming is not supported here, it seems.
I was able to work last night using the following code:
import java io.IOException; Import android App Import android Media. media Player; Importroid.os.Bundle; Expands the flow of public squared activity {/ ** is called when activity first created * / @Override Public Zero onCreate (bundled savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); Media Player MP = new Media Player (); Try {mp.setDataSource ("http: // ipaddress: 8000 /"); } Hold (illegal illegal exception E) {// TODO self-generated blocking block e.printStackTrace (); } Hold (IllegalStateException e) {// TODO self-generated blocking block e.printStackTrace (); } Grip (IOException E) {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); } Try {Mp.prepare (); } Hold (IllegalStateException e) {// TODO self-generated blocking block e.printStackTrace (); } Grip (IOException E) {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); } Mp.start (); }} However, today, it does not work. Also, last night - I was able to use the internet browser on my Android phone to stream it. However, when I went to know last night, he opened the stream in the video player. Nonetheless, I am unable to open it in the browser today, either.
In the browser, I continue the page "Not displayed". I've actually verified that it's online I can browse it on my PC (on the same network), and by using other streaming applications and browsing on other web pages, I can confirm Internet connectivity to my Android .
I stopped working my code (or stream) overnight on the phone. The code also works on 2.1 emulator (and it streams).
Tell me what all of you think, please.
Thanks in advance!
There may be a connectivity problem towards the network. A lot of connections were opened from the phone on the WiFi streaming server. This generated IP blacklist. Today, it has become clear.
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