flex - Setting 'property' on validator -

I am using calligraphy on each cell in a column on a datagrid. The source datagrid is set to the datapriver but the property is problematic. I can not just say 'text' because I use a label function to recover the property because it is nested inside the other object.

Any way to get around this? Do I need to create my own custom verifier? I hope not. Any suggestions are appreciated


  & lt; Mx: numberValidator id = "security_locate_numberValidator" source = "{this.secId_dg.dataProvider}" The following ThanMinError = "One location is required." Property = "marketRule.locRule.locRuleId" minValue = "0" /> & Lt; Mx: DataGrid id = "secId_dg" editable = "correct" datataprakar = "{this.marketRuleServiceEntity.exceptionComposites}" itemEditEnd = "onSecurityPicked (event)" width = "100%" rowCount = "10" tab enabled = "false" & Gt; & Lt; Mx: column & gt; & Lt; Mx: DataGridColumn headerText = "Security ID" label function = "getSecId" editor DataAffield = "text" editable = "true" & gt; & Lt; Mx: itemEditor & gt; & Lt; Mx: component & gt; & Lt; Application: SecuritySuggestInput maxWidth = "160" minWidth = "160" tooltip = "Search on a ticker, CUSIP, or Sedol" width = "160" prompt = "search protection" /> & Lt; / Mx: Component & gt; & Lt; / Mx: itemEditor & gt; & Lt; / Mx: DataGridColumn & gt; & Lt; Mx: DataGridColumn headerText = "description" dataField = "description" width = "200" edit = "wrong" /> & Lt; mx: DataGridColumn headerText = "Detect" headerStyleName = "leftGridHeader" paddingRight = "4" textAlign = "right" labelFunction = "getLocate" editable = "true" dataField = "locRuleDesc" editorDataField = "selectedLabel" itemEditor = "com. Fidelity.primeservices.act.editor.overrides.LocatesEditor "/> & Lt; Mx: DataGridColumn headerText = "comments" width = "200" edit = "true" /> & Lt; Mx: DataGridColumn headerText = "delete" editable = "wrong" item service presenter = "com.fidelity.primeservices.act.renderer.overrides.SecuritiesDeleteIconRenderer" /> & Lt; / Mx: column & gt; & Lt; / Mx: data grid & gt;    

The solution here to use the proper combination of source property you were on the right track

source code for says this.

supports this property strings to specify the dot-delimited nested properties

So in your case, you wanted to make your < code> source property string a little more time, a few items that have reached the bottom of the vest to validate the property. Maybe:

  source = "this.secId_dg.selectedItem.marketRule.locRule"   

Then you'll just have to validate your property:

  property = "locker id"    
