I have a big problem in dynamically loading an image in my applikation when I start an appeal then the placeholder image source Is empty I when I click on a button in which an image is formed and the placeholder loads as a source when I create a new image again, but the old image is displayed. Image creation is ideal.
Public Zero Setizes (Stri C path) {bitmap image} IMG = new Bitmap Image (); Img.BeginInit (); Img.UriSource = New Uri (Path, Urikkind.Relative); Img.EndInit (); // Set the Refreshing option img.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.None; Img.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache; Placeholder Source = IMG; }
Two options BitMapCache and Bitmaprite options do not change anything.
Can any of you help me?
Internal WPF cache images for display reasons. If you are using the same Uri both times, and are expecting to get a different image every time (for example, if Uri is on a web server that gives a random image), then this cache is for you There will be a problem. / P>
You probably have to create a webcast and download the image manually, rather it is not to trust the image class for it.
Another option would be to change the URI, which is a trivial way to make it unique. For example, you can add a GUID as a query string.
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