We use VisualSVN servers for code synchronization ... and I would like to add some common tasks after each commit . They are quite normal ... making directories, creating zip backups and so on. So I wrote a CMD script to do them but it can not be executed. I did the following: In the properties for my repository folder on the "hook" tab, I wrote a call c: \ script.cmd 2 c: \ script.cmd; I also tried to use quotation marks ... and finally In the exit <0
any error code ?
Try testing the script by running them from the command line.
Windows and / or very little documentation about it, but try to go to the actual repository through the command line and edit the template post-commit hook in the actual hook and run it from the command line, what happens there?
On one side, it raises an eyebrow that you are trying to do this in the post commission hook.
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