I want to, as much as possible, animate a view from top to bottom, then to handle memory allocation Make magic and such
In other words, I want an inverse
UimodalTransitionStyleCoverVertical this modalTransitionStyle view below What do I have to do, which comes from the airplane. I have some black magic CATransition , but I do not see the proper way to handle the memory and dismiss the scene (or "popping off") with this method for my life can. "Steve Jobs intentions" is a favorite as a solution.
: As the solution does not need to deal with viewing modal actually behave with a new "card" on the stack would be best. ) To complete > + (zero) transitionFromView: from view toView: (UIView *) toView duration: (NSTimeInterval) Duration Option: Code>
+ (zero) * View with transit: (UIView *) View Duration: (NSTimeInterval) Duration Option: (UIViewAnimationOptions) Option Animation: (Zero (^) (zero)) Animation complete: (Zero (^) ( BOOL Finish)) Closing
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