I'm using Ninject (happily) for some time with basic scenarios, I want to give control to my entry I have mentioned the existence of Ninject.Extensions.Logging Nameshot, and want to use it, but I am running on two issues:
- I want to The logger should be started like this the class is running it (as I get GetCurrentMet LogManager with hod () has rungotgog). Type the disclaimer.
- I can easily duplicate or "expel"
Now, I know that for unit testing (ie I do not have to work), NullReferenceExceptions without running in Here are some questions (and even answers), but I feel that I am unable to find anyone in the right direction.
I appreciate any help (even "you bone-based" here it is! I should have had some attention ).
- This is the default behavior of extensions
- Testing in your unit tests Do not use Ninject to create an object under. Manually create an event and pass it to whatever logger you want.
Take a look at the best you unify
- I can easily duplicate or "expel"
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