I am writing a shared library for GNU / Linux, which will now be installed with "Sado Mac Install". I have cementate dishes for creating files and setting them in '/ usr / local / lib / app', and the libraries and links have been created correctly.
But the library path has not been updated and I should run "Sudo ldconfig / usr / local / lib / app 'to provide the library manually.
Many on my system Other packages have their own libraries in a specific folder under / usr / local / lib, so I suppose that's fair.
Then how to update the library path for the limiter system Make the file and install them? What is the right way to do this
I also have to complete the library path update system restart.
Thanks, bcw
I must also complete that a library path update is restarting a system.
I have a limiter-specific Although you do not know about the feature, you should add the rule like the following rules to make continuous changes.
echo "/ usr / local / bret / lib" & gt; / etc / ld .so.conf.d / br Et-i386.conf echo "/ usr / local / bret / lib64" & gt; /etc/ld.so.conf.d/bret-x86_64.conf/sbin/ldconfig
You can also run ldconfig again whenever you overwrite files in
Bret / lib {, 64} will be required.
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