Well, basically I have a master system and 3 slave systems. I send content to my client system I used the request / feedback step because it resolves my problem of data sharing naturally after sending the content to my 3 client systems, I close the socket which was responsible for the REC / REP Topolis and Joe A Get content from another group Sockets build-up was that all 3 systems to the individual were added with different slave system. I ran the whole code in the local host, I had no problem and everything was easy, even when I tried to send a 40 MB data set from one of the master systems in the client system.
The problem was when I tried to apply it to my lab on the LAN
The RE / REP phase runs smoothly, so basically All client systems work on data sets.
Indivadal pair fails with client type when I try to process large sets of data (like 40 MB, which I do not think is a bit bigger Because I load the content in the dictionary and the size of the dictionary object is in 24 MB) it suffers a bit and there is no process for some reason.
I do not know why to deal differently on LAN compared to my system.
Master system code:
Master system code:
If you use LAN in 2 GB RAM (all 4 system) AMD dual core 64 bit
P> Salve 1:
Slave 2: (It takes one 40 MB per ent from a file and finally master system
Slave 3:
pair chairs automatically Not connected again, so they are not recommended for LAN use Interpretation is
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