I have two activities within an activity group, a "province activity" and another "city activity". Code:
Expands the public category CityManagerActivity Activity Group {see v1 = getLocalActivityManager (). StartActivity ("Tab 1", new intent (this, province activity category) .addFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP)) GetDecorView (); ReplaceView (v1); } But when I have the default search to search by pressing the search key in "Tab 1" I have an error:
08-19 17: 18: 23.438: Error / Android Random (9 078): Uncouted Handlers: Due to the exception of the main thread, 08-19 17: 18: 23.458: Error / Android Random (9 078): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : No ident 08-19 17: 18: 23.458: error / Android Random (9 078): Android. App activity. Surgeon Search Manager (Activity. Java 3499) 08-19 17: 18: 23.458: Error / Android Random (9 078): Android. On the App Start search (Activity Java 04648) 08-19 17: 18: 23.458: Error / Android Random (9 078): Android. On the App Activation OnSearchQuested (activity.java 26) ... The second search works, tell me how to do it, plz ...
< Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">
Do the same trouble. I use it and it fixes the problem.
@Override Public Boolean onSearchRequested () {back true; }
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