Because I'm lazy, I've created a Every time I call it, I see a log-in item in the Google Chrome Developer Tool, on the right side of which the item was logged. However, this line number is always the same, because the actual Whatever I tried is just: But it always throws an error: How do I create a shortcut for When I reported it, it was rejected but the answer was simple - shortcut like this Create: This line does not leave the number, when you do this log function that basically only
Console.log :
function log () {console.log.apply (console, logic); }
console.log is located in a specific location in the call code (i.e. where I declare the
log function as above Am)).
var log = console.log;
Invalid Orientation . Strange, but I think this is not a possibility.
console.log , showing line numbers with developer tools where
logs actual
console .log Where did the call go instead of being located?
var log = console.log.bind (console);
log (...) . Like you can call.
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