java ee - glassfish-embedded-maven-plugin - how to deploy resources -

Quick and easy to let users deploy their Java EE6 application through glassfish-embedded-maven-plugin I am providing the method, so they do not need to install and configure standalone glassfish. However, I am having trouble with resource deployment.

The app requires a javamail resource from the container, and a JAAS area is needed with an appropriate role-> user / group mapping.

While stationing in a standalone glassfish, it is easily one sun-resources. Xml file and / or some are provided with asadmin commands. However, I'm having trouble figuring out how to embed it with glassfish.

Is there a way to greet the Glassfish-Maven-plugin in my pom as part of the glassfish-embedded? Documentation is almost impossible for plugin or 2.1 version is badly referenced, and I am constantly growing.

It seems that the Maven-embedded-fish fish-plugin is too limited for this use case .

Instead, use the embedded Glassfish API, it has completely changed to 3.1, but most web shows the old 3.0.1 API, so you will find that most examples are wrong. Start here:
