python - GAE " no attribute 'HTTPSHandler' " -

I am trying to use Google Appenge Pethathon SKD from my Ubuntu lucid I've already compiled python2.5. But when I execute any "" command with it, I receive the following error:

  Traceback (last call call): File "", In line 69, the & lt; Module & gt; Run_file (__ file__, global ()) file "", line 65, run_file execfile (script_path, globals_) file "/home/rohan/workspace/app_en/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/" , Line 90, & lt; Module & gt; Import the APCF file from "/media/Ultimate/WebD/django/app_engine/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/", in line 59, in & lt; Module & gt; Appointie_rpc file from "/ media / vomit / web / digging / app_guide/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/" import, line 24, in & lt; Module & gt; Import the fancy_urllib file "/media/Ultimate/WebD/django/app_engine/google_appengine/lib/fancy_urllib/fancy_urllib/", line 328, & lt; Module & gt; Class FancyHTTPSHandler (urllib2.HTTPSHandler): AttributeError: The 'module' object is a feature 'HTTPSHandler'   

I have checked the urllib2 moduls of python2.6 and python2.5 but there is no difference Had not been in the definition of the model and HTTPSHandelr is also in python2.5. So I think this is another type of error.

I also tried to run with the default Python 2, but then I get the following error:

  Warning 2010-09-11 11: 08: 40,848 : 657] The datasheet data could not be read from the traceback (most recent call last) /tmp/dev_appserver.datastore: file "./", line 69,   

It works well under the window and even under alcohol.

W Iith python2.6 solution
I had configured my Apache server sometime ago for deployment of the 8080 and 80 port on the port.

But there is still error with Python 2.5.

Resolve this problem ... just to create all the dependencies of Python:

apt-get build-dep python

All dependencies are not installed even when the Python is compiled without any error, it just leaves those modules Requires and creates dragon.
