New to Ipad, familiar with SQL, how to get started -

I have been a SQL Writer using MS Access a few years ago and given an iPad on my retirement. I want to create simple database-driven apps using SQL. I downloaded the SQLite editor from the App Store but it seems that there is some error in it. questions. Do I need an Apple Computer as a workstation and then copy it to the iPad, or can I use my Windows 7 PC as an authoring tool.

Where do I find the tools to increase the graphics database search results?

Do I need to use C or C ++ to create an application, because I never got to learn it

I know that's a strange question, but Google searches completely leave me in the dark on this subject, yet I'm wet that most apps revolve around some database manipulation. May be helpful if I find a link to a series

Hi - To develop native applications for iOS devices, you need knowledge in XCode Environment and Objective-C It's a little strange and an example. For this you will need to run Mac OS on a Mac or virtual box.
You can also create non-native apps like webpelt using HTML 5 and JS and then import it into Xcode using PhoneGrap. Using this method, you are able to create applications for many devices like Android and more and all you have to do is import it into an environment supporting your HTML5 and JS. Just to warn you about these types of apps, the app store only allows the original app and helps it to create native apps because it will complete each inspection. Thank you
