After the text "itemprop =" text ">
I tried a fact of the blog but for some reason it is not a fire!
This can be done because I do not ask for permission? Do I Want To Ask Local For Users? I do not understand the apple documentation that I have
This is my singelton class. (Check it is called - with a breakpoint)
// //  manufactured by «FILENAME» // «PREJECTNAME» »//« FULLUSERNAME »a« DATE »/ Copyright / A «year» one «organization» All rights reserved. // File Mugunth Kumar Singleton XCode blueprint also be created ( // allow some use, commercial / The went separately to non-commercial #import with the file above "NotifierSingelton.h" line / stable NotifierSingelton removing URL * _instance; @implementation NotifierSingelton + (NotifierSingelton *) sharedInstance {@synchronized (self) {if (_instance check == null) {// iOS 4 compatibility class notificationClass = NSClassFromString (@ "UILocalNotification" ); If (notificationClass = = zero) {_instance = nil;} else {_instance = [[super allocWithZone: zero] init];} // allotted / single square His // example //_instance.member = @ "" initialize variables any member;}} return _instance;} - (void) scheduleNotificationOn: (NSDate *) fireDate text: (NSString *) alertText action: (NSString *) alertAction sound: (NSString *) soundfileName launchImage: (NSString *) launchImage andInfo: (NSDictionary *) user information {UILocalNotification * Sthaniynotifikeshn = [[UILocalNotificat ion alloc] init]; LocalNotification.fireDate = fireDate; Local Notification. Timonzone = [Nstefjon Default Timezone]; Local notifications. Alertboard = warning text; Local Notification.Listaction = Alert Action; If (soundfileName == zero) {localization. SoundName = UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName; } And {local notifications. SoundName = soundfileName; } Local Notifications.ListLanch Image = LaunchImage; //self.badgeCount ++; Local Notifications.ApplicationsIconBadgeNumber = 1; LocalNotification.userInfo = userInfo; // Schedule it with app [[UIApplication shared applicant] Schedule local notifications: Local Notifications]; [Local Notification Release]; } #pragma Icon Singleton Method + (ID) allocWithZone: (NSZone *) field {retention [retaining [self-sharing experience]]; } - (id) copywidth zone: (NSZEN *) area {returns self; } - retaining (id) {back self; } - (unsigned) the number of retaining [return NSUIntegerMax; // specifies an object that can not be released} - (zero) release {// nothing} - (id) autoresz {return self; } @end
I do not really see anything in your code wrong. Make sure that your fireout is not empty, code code from my app is being worked here:
notif = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init]; NSDateFormatter * df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [Df setDateFormat: @ "yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: SS"]; NSDate * raceDate = [df dateFromString: [raceDates objectAtIndex: i]]; Notif.fireDate = raceDate; Notif.timeZone = [NSTimeZone Time ZoneWithName: @ "WAT"]; Notif.alertBody = NSLocalizedString (@ "NotificationBody", @ ""); Notif.alertAction = NSLocalizedString (@ "NotificationButton", @ ""); Notif.soundName = @ "push.aif"; [[UIApplication ShareApp] Schedule Local Notification: Notif]; [Release Notice]; In addition, I'm not sure that this is necessary, but your application may need to enable multi-tasking.
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