indexing - How to remove old Hibernate Search index -

I use the search hibernate for full-text search in your web application to index my administrative panel for button I speak it with this code:

  fullTextSession.createIndexer () .purgeAllOnStart (true) .optimizeAfterPurge (true) .optimizeOnFinish (true) .batchSizeToLoadObjects (25). ThreadsOoLoad object (5). ThreadsFourSavisent Fitting (20). Start & Wight ();   

If the index was created correctly and then I continued to drive the old index files and do Purnubhit again this button, and the program creates a new index Similarly Could you help me remove the old index files before you create new? delete the

I also work so to speak, but only when I shut down my app I index Then I set them back on startup.

Have you tried to call all () instead of removing the bridge AllOnStart ()? This is the reason why I call the app closure and it works. To be safe, after cleansing the indexes, I actually delete my index directory and all the files / folders from the disk.
