I'm trying to limit the height of a ListField so that when you step through the item, Therefore, for example, the header on the screen will not disappear, because they go down inside.
My current solution does not work, the height does not change. This stability depends on the size of the list of items, the code I am using is:
_listField = new ListField () {secure Zero layout (int w, int h) {super.layout (w, 100); }};
You can do this in your main screen manufacturer
Add super (NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL); Then your manual screen will not scroll.
Create a new manager that enables virtual scrolling, so that only the manager will be scrolled
Vertical Field Manager List Manager = New Vertical Field Manager (VERTICAL_SCROLL | VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR); Now your manager tells this manager that your ListField like
listManager.add (the commodity of your list); If you want to limit the height of the list, you can set the limit for managing the list and add manager to the listfield. Therefore, the list will be the layout in the given height of this type of bay
vertical field manager list manager = new vertical field manager (VERTICAL_SCROLL | VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR); {Protected zero sublayout (int maxWidth, int maxHeight) {int width = Display.getWidth (); Intensity height = 100; Super.sublayout (width, height); SetExtent (width, height); }}; Hope this will help you.
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