localization - c# : In a dotnet class is there a property that states if the "Current" culture is actual the default culture? -

Is there a property in some classes that can tell me that the current culture is really basic culture.

Similar to how localization works with winforms it tells in a form if the language is default.

Say I am in America - how can I tell by code if en.US is the default default?

I need to implement some localization for some XML files that do not support .NET, so I want to implement my own ...

And it How do such winforms work?



property exists? default <.

system.globalization.cqueryuref.connect culture indicates the system's control panel area setting, while < Code> System.Globalization .gadgetinfo The input of the current eqing system matches the UI language setting (which you can not change without installing a multilingual user interface).

So you can use the following code snippet to define 'default' culture:

  using System.Globalization; // N.B. Perform the following line * You get the current culture // according to programming (if you ever do this) // Cultural information that represents the culture used by the current thread CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo .CurrentCulture; String Code = Culture. I.T.F. language; Eg eg "N-US", "D-DE", etc.   

Then you can use the code to search your .xml files.
