I want to direct something with a .bat file. My BT file is AECO OFF SETUP_FILE_DIR =% cd% echo Please wait ...: NOOR @ echo of xcopy "% SETUP_FILE_DIR% \% 2" "% 1" / S / E / H / Q / C resonance files Are copied! Stop
and I want to use the progress bar for all directory copy operations. For example:
If a file is copied, the progress bar increases. ... I used C # in the process but did not work when WindowStyle is hidden, the window is visible I do not understand how it can be. Now I want to try the background player.
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What is the difference between the process and the background worker?
The process starts an external process, alternatively waiting for the return. BackgroundWorker runs the works in a background thread and includes events to run in different stages I had to go with BackgroudWorker.
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