iphone - I want to pass a variable in CFSTR? -

In the following coding, I want to exceed the variable through CFSTR, how can I do this?

  ABMutableMultiValueRef address = ABMultiValueCreateMutable (kABDictionaryPropertyType); // Set the key and value for the CFStringRef key [5]; CFStringRef value [5]; Key [0] = Kebapar's address style; Key [1] = cables address ketikee; Keys [2] = kabPersonAddressStateKey; Keys [3] = kabpersonAddressZIPKey; Key [4] = kABPersonAddressCountryKey; Value [0] = CFR ("Wijtech, 208 / B Clifton Center, Karachi"); // value [0] = CFRR (address1); Let me know 1 which is NSString, how can I do that? Value [1] = CFR (""); Value [2] = CFR (""); Value [3] = CFR (""); Value [4] = CFR ("");    

Just insert it:

  NSString * YourThing = [NSString stringWithString: @ "Blow Blah"] Value [0] = (CFStringRef) yourThing;   

NSString and seafstring are interchangeable (subject to being cast). Do not forget to keep / continue
