I am using Oracle App Express (Apex) where I created a report area and parts of the headings of that area As such, I have entered the following:
& lt; Div id = "abc" style = "font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px;" & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; In the source of the field, I have my required SQL report query.
I am trying to use jQuery so that I can hide and base this ID on ID ID. The value of "ABC" when I try to use $ ("# abc"). Show (); or $ ("# abc"). Hide () '' , nothing appears (it can not get this div ID?). Am I doing something wrong or is it not possible when using the Apex SQL Report area?
When you issue $ ("# abc"). Hide (), hides the contents of the div with the jQuery "abc" id - that is, the text between any HTML / opening & lt; Div & gt; And closing & lt; / Div & gt; Tag There is nothing to hide these tags in your example and nothing like this will change.
If you want to hide the whole area, div will have to cover the entire area. You can & lt; / Div & gt; Adding a tag from the title and adding it to the footer of the area, however, there are very easy ways to get it:
1) Give the field a static ID of "ABC" Your show / hide code is then your own Div tags will work without the need to add.
2) If you are using Apex 4.0, instead of writing the JQuery code, create a dynamic action to show / hide the area.
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