I used to ports ports.pcap files to try to port Jnetpcap for Android to use it I am Janetpap is a Java cover that uses JNI for LBPcaps. I have prepared Libpcap as a static library using Android's source code tree.
When compiling Jnetpcap as a shared library because I have to link with libpcap.a I'm getting errors, but I do not know how I can tell Android.mk that I have Using the
link will be linked to the libpcap.a file. "LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES: = libpcap" will not work because libpcap does not come by default in Android NDK
If any of you can help me, I would be very grateful.
Here's my current Android. The MIC file is included: $ / CERA / VERBET / MyApp / JNI / libpcap / Android.mk LOCAL_PATH: $ $ (MARRY-DIRECTORS) INCLUDED $ (CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE: = < Jnetpcap LOCAL_SRC_FILES: = \ jnetpcap.cpp \ packet_flow.cpp \ packet_jheader.cpp \ Jnetpcap_pcap_header.cpp \ winpcap_stat_ex.cpp \ winpcap_send_queue.cpp \ winpcap_ext.cpp \ jnetpcap_dumper.cpp \ jnetpcap_utils.cpp \ util_in_cksum.cpp \ jnetpcap_beta.cpp \ nio_jmemory .cpp \ packet_jsmall_scanner.cpp \ package_protoco l.cpp \ nio_jnumber.cpp \ packet_jheader_scanner.cpp \ library.cpp \ packet_jscan.cpp \ jnetpcap_pcap100.cpp \ util_checksum.cpp \ packet_jpacket.cpp \ winpcap_ids.cpp \ jnetpcap_bpf.cpp LOCAL_C_INCLUDES: = / Home / Sergio / android-ndk -r5b / platforms / android-8 / hardcore hands / usr / sh Include / home / sergeio / workspace / shark / jnI / libpcap LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES: = libpcap $ (BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
You have to make the packet as a stable module. $ / C> Make PPP as a local module that you can link to LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES
Just before calling
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