iphone - while adding string(object) to the array giving unformatted string printing in nslog -

I'm trying to read ?? One ?? One ?? One ?? One ?? One ?? Want to store it in XML with a character and an array. It looks fine when reading telegrams from XML and they are similar to XML characters.

Now I put them in a temporary array. When I'm trying to print that array, it gives a weird price: instead of ?? One ?? One ?? One ?? One ?? One ?? One ?? It shows from "\ U00dc", "\ U00ca \ U00db \ U00ce \ U00cd", "\ U00d7", (array value) .

Can anyone tell me why this is happening?

I insert the objects for the array [textWord addObject: currentElement]; I'm using . Here is the current element a NSMutableString .

These are Unicode characters for your particular character, what is the problem in it.
