- Modular Programming and Structured Programming -

I was asked to design an website with modular programming, but I do not have any sense Is that really what it means, does it mean structured programming ?, Ive found in modular programming everything has no relation to an website (or code behind it).

Can someone explain what this means:

Instead of having a connection string in the global or web config page, do I have a database connection on every page of the website? Does it mean structured or ape or modular?

Which website can you get modular programming in which there is no loadable module? Is it a site with some connection strings and some fashionable programming is to some fancy HTML?

I have seen other posts about websites and CMS, but do not really understand them? Are they relevant? Uncertainty.

My site is just a social network site that allows anyone to login / create a website with a website, then go to your own profile and display yourself about us in our database. gone.

There is nothing in it, as far as I can tell?

So it seems to me that this is actually a different way of writing "programming" code? That is, it is stored in a different way. Is it referenced differently in any other way?

In this context, you can create your data access code in your project, Module and data access layer are called modules.

If the data access layer is complicated with a good number of institutions, then you can divide it into multiple projects (each project is considered as a module).
