I have the database with the following fields: id, q_id, text, session .. and I already have 2 records I want to encrypt each line (because every line is unique - id, session, course text ..) ..
I also like to use the string because it makes it very clear that we are working with a string @w = digest :: SHA1.hexdigest ( Id + q_id <+ Code +> instead it makes one. If that still is what you want to do, then my guess is that
id and
q_id are fixed and in string There is a need to convert.
@ wa = digest :: SHA 1. HexDogest (Answer: id.at_s + anacid.tts_s + anonymoustext + integration)
@w = digest :: SHA1 .hexdigest ("# {id} # {q_id} # {text} # {session}}")
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