iphone - iOS UPnP Server -

I wrote UPnP controller to use Cyber ​​Garage for IOS on Obj-C and now I have the same app I want to add UPnP server for

  CGUpnpDevice * device = [[CGUpnpDevice alloc] using the same cyber garage library.  

But I found a problem: Except ControlPoint, no tutorials or good documentation were found. ] InitWithXMLDescription: @ ""]; [Device Set UDN: @ "UUID: 0000d8c8-20a0-00d8-9999-4858001808d8"]; [Device set device type: @ "vase: schema-opnip-ORG: device: media server: 1"]; [Device setFriendlyName: @ "OMG Server by Special"]; [Device Setuserdata: @ "Omji User"]; [Starting equipment]; NSLog (@ "Running:% i", (Boole) [Harrising Device]);

It is running: 0 I do not know the correct XML for the constructor and if I use the default constructor

  [[CGUpnpDevice alloc] Init];   

It crashes, is there anyone with a cyber-gauge programming experience? Any idea how to run server?

This is probably the purpose of the port (I think) it applies only control point

But you can guide user C or CC code. Take a look at the media server sample.

Go to the Gitubo site:
