.net - Asp.net mail sending + from id is over written by smtp user id -

I have a problem in the asp.net application. I am using SMTP server credentials to send email. A hostname, smtp.gmail.com, port number = 587, user name = "somemailaddress@gmail.com" contains password = one ???? One ????. I have created and mailed a mail message object and click on "email@gmail.com ????", "to@gmail.com" to find out. I am getting an email, but the ID is always taken as the username, somemailaddress@gmail.com. How does this happen? How can I change the e-mail address to @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

I think this is on Gmail server It is being thought that they want you not to send email from Gmail account like you sent it from another account. They are one of the ways to deal with spam. If you want to send email messages from your domain, you can use Google Apps.
