We have two ways to enter.
When the username and password are present in the request header and if this is incorrect, then I have been shown the HTTP status 401 - authentication failed: bad credentials page. How can I fail to authenticate the entry page in this case below security.xml Please tell me if you need more information. EDIT: Adding code for requestHeader filter in my application } Authentication failed to show login page You must have URL in For example: In that example, the user is redirected to the login page even after logging out. / ProcesarLogin is a way that the user sends the login.jsp page.
& lt code;; Http auto-config = "true" usage-value = "true" & gt; & Lt; Access denied - handler error page = "/ login.jsp" /> & Lt; Intercept-url Pattern = "/ * Login" "Access =" Harol ('ROLE_ANONYMOUS') "/> Intercept-url Pattern =" / * "access =" Harol ('ROLE_USER') or Harol ( 'ROLE_ADMIN') "/> & gt; Custom Filter Ref =" requestHeaderFilter "=" FORM_LOGIN_FILTER "/> & lt; form-login login-page =" / login.jsp "/>
public class requestheader processing filterAbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter {{Private String Private user password header = "j_username"; Private string passwordheader = "j_password"; Protected RequestHeaderProcessingFilter () {super ("/ login_direct");} // getters and setters throws @Override public authentication attemptAuthentication (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) AuthenticationException, IOException , ServletException {string user name = request.getHeader (usernameHeader); String password = request.getHeader (password header); Signed user name passwordAuthenticationToken authRequest = New Signed UsernameEditMonthly Tokens (Username, Password); Return it to the authorized manager (). Authenticate (authRequest); }
& lt; Access denied - handler error page = "/ login.jsp" /> and
& lt; Stop-url frame = "/ * log in *" access = "hasRole ('ROLE_ANONYMOUS')" />
& lt; Global-law-security secure -notation = "enabled" /> & Lt; Http auto-config = "true" access-denied-page = "/ app / sesiones / procesar_login" & gt; & Lt; Logout logout-success-url = "/ app / sesiones / login" /> & Lt; Form-login authentication-failure-url = "/ app / sesiones / login? Error = true" login-page = "/ app / sesiones / login" default-target-url = "/ app / sesiones / procesar_login" /> ; & Lt; Intercept-url pattern = "/ app / privados / *" access = "ROLE_USER" /> & Lt; / Http & gt;
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