I am facing this problem while trying to use the Foursquare API with the iPhone.
To get the token I'm starting at the beginning, I now have my application's customer ID and amp; Customer Secret and Oate Token & amp; Odd token secret for user I am using:
https://github.com/jdg/oauthconsumer However, I'm not sure How to proceed from here to call the API I mean, if I do this -
https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues.json?geolat = -78.695548 & geolong = 35.767138 & amp; l = 10 & amp; oauth_token I get this answer: {"meta": {"code": 401, "error type": " Invalid_auth "," error dिपts ":" OAuth token was not found or canceled. "}," Reaction ": {}} Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
Thank you.
- ahsan
Please try this sample code and deepen this access In your code to get a token
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