I am creating a Java Google App Engine Server project and Java Desktop client. I would like to run them at one go, but I'm not sure if there is any way to use this eclipse / GAE plugin I would like to take a step between them at the same time.
I tried to open a new example of an eclipse, but he complained that the workspace is already in use, both projects are similar to the workspace. (Maybe I could take them to different workstations.)
I'm not familiar with GAE And if he interferes, but I do not have many problems walking in multiples, I often fire a server and several clients from the same window.
Some hints:
- Go to the main method of each program to run them. Once they run them, they appear in the drop menu on the run button.
- Create and Console Many Console makes it easy to see your (debug / informative) output in real time.
- Move different concepts to different ideas so that you can see them at the same time.
First, after
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