Python, beginner's question! Repository or Object persisting itself? -

I am an experienced net developer trying to write some python code. On one of the projects I am contributing to, we have a layer of services that are a group of classes that use far-reaching functionality and a desensio web app that these process services (which are just classes) .

I created a repository layer and made sure that all contacts with the database are done through the services through this repository. We have a document based database and thus we do not have general object-relational dirt. During a recent review of a code, a developer, who is believed to have experienced dragon with dragon, monitors it and remarks that it was not a python way to do things. He has commented that python developers are used to save and delete objects (and do not use much of the repository pattern) and it will confuse Dragon Devs to contribute to our OSS project. Dragon god, your thoughts? Will you be confused?

Edit: This is not a dynamic code, but will be called by the Denggo app (in a process service level)

< Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">

Maybe this is a dynamic pattern, but in every way there is no Python. She said, if the target audience of your module is Django developers, then I You will advise to follow the design philosophy and its respective patterns as much as possible.
