I'm just confined to Firefox 4.0 and now my site does not serve the ASPX files incorrectly.
Instead of offering them services as expected, other sites are being asked to download them, and my page is served more than other browsers.
I think some IIS settings are not being set properly (I am using IIS6.) Any thoughts?
EDIT: It has been seen that the content type of the page is coming back to "app / vnd.wap.xhtml + xml" instead of "text / text". Html "If it means anything to anyone ...
It looks as if the net again : Registered with IIS Command: However a warning: this is equivalent to one display In my sample above, note that I am using .Net 2.0 You need 4.0 folks If you are using that version of that NAST (I have to remove my 2.0 IIS binding to install some simpler 4.0). < / P> C: \ windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v2.0.50727> aspnet_regiis -i
iisreset . So be prepared to stay temporarily down for your web server.
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