Flex Mobile -- where is s:ViewNavigatorApplication? -

I have a Flex Hero running in the Burrito Build 1768 9 to detect mobile iOS / Android development. S: MobileApplication and s: TabbedMobileApplication has been changed to s: ViewNavigatorApplication and s: TabbedViewNavigatorApplication respectively.
I downloaded Air 2.6, was merged with Hero SDK in a folder but I can not see these applications in mobile developers. Swc (which was not part of Air SDK 2.6) when I browse in Flash Builder I am

With these new components?

No public release of Flex Hero SDK (which I know) that support ViewNavigatorApplication < / Code> So far the only public SDK available for mobile is the one which was released on MAX and it still uses MobileApplication since it has since downloaded another "Flex Hero" SDK Available, but do not include mobile goods:

I think your The article written on "What to Watch Next"
