c++ - Unresolved Error -

While I am compiling it giving error message:

  code generating usimage.cpp Code .. Linking ... Creating Library \ Output / gci2.lib and Object \ Output / gci2.exp cam_simulator.obj: .. LNK2001 Error: Unsolved External Symbol _ffclos cam_simulator.obj: LNK2001 Error: Unsolved External Symbol _ffgpxv cam_simulator.obj: Error LNK2001: Unsolved External Symbol _ffthdu cam_simulator.obj: LNK2001 Error: cam_simulator.obj _ffgisz Unsolved External Symbol: LNK2001 Error: Unsolved External Symbol _ffgidm cam_simulator.obj: LNK2001 Error: cam_simulator.obj _ffghdt Unsolved External Symbol: LNK2001 Error: Unsolved External Symbol _ffdkopn guide_routines.obj: LNK2001 Error: Unsolved External Symbol "CalcSlope __cdecl Name (Class DoubleArray)" (CalcSlope @@ YAMVDoubleArray @@@ Jade?) \ Release / gci 2.dll:. Critical Error LNK1120: 8 Unsolved External Error Link.exe Executed PixCel.exe - 9 error (s), 3 warnings (s)   

I changed the project setting to multiply and liked Vfw32.lib but there was no change ...

I am using VC ++ 6.0 and XP platform ...

< P> A library is unavailable while linking, try adding the Fizio library (I believe that whatever you are trying to use) in your link path.
